Monday, March 21, 2016



Capital India : New Delhi

Population: 1,251,695,584 (rank=2)

 Area (sq. mi.): 1,269,219 (rank=7)

 Human Development Index: 135 of 187 countries

 Gender Inequality Index: 127 of 152 countries

 GDP (PPP) per capita: $5,800

 Adult Literacy: 81% (male); 61% (female)

 Infant Mortality: 43.19 per 1,000 births

 Life Expectancy: 65 (male); 68 (female)

Currency: Indian rupee

Population: 1,251,695,584                  
Growth Rate:  1.22%                  

 Urban Population:32.37%

Number of Languages Spoken? : More than 33

Official Language: Hindi

Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism

Diet(list some foods/ dishes) : bread(roti), rice, spicy food

-what kind of government?
-Constitutional Democracy

-Other interesting information
--Its divided into 29 states and 7 union territories. The president is head of state and is elected by an electoral college of parliament and state legislatures.


GDP:  $7,277                                      Per Capita:$5,800

What do they produce?  What gives them Export Revenue (money)
-- crops include grains, oilseed, jute, tea, and coffee.

What do you they export:
mainly from tea, coffee, iron ore, fish products, and manufactured items.


Skilled / Unskilled Issues

7. Infrastructure

Internet Users (per 100 people):18

Cellular Phone Subscriptions:74.48

Paved Roads: NA

Other interesting info: Televisions and radios are common throughout the country. Roads in urban areas are generally well developed, but those in rural regions may be unpaved and impassable in heavy rains


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