Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Located: Europe

Government : Federal Republic

Ranking: 16

 Export: motor vehicles, machinery, chemicals, computer and electronic products, electrical equipment, pharmaceuticals, metals, transport equipment, foodstuffs, textiles, rubber and plastic products

Import:  machinery, data processing equipment, vehicles, chemicals, oil and gas, metals, electric equipment, pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs, agricultural products

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Located: South Asia

Type of government: Constitutional Democracy

Happy index ranking: 118

Agriculture products : rice , wheat, cotton, tea ,sugarcane

 It export more than it imports.

EXPORT:  petroleum products, precious stones, vehicles, machinery, iron and steel, chemicals, pharmaceutical products, cereals, apparel

IMPORT:  crude oil, precious stones, machinery, chemicals, fertilizer, plastics, iron and steel

Its less develop country because there is more agriculture, low literacy rate and not many paved roads. 

I want to visit India once because  its closest to where I was born and its also very similar to Nepal. 

Monday, March 21, 2016



Capital India : New Delhi

Population: 1,251,695,584 (rank=2)

 Area (sq. mi.): 1,269,219 (rank=7)

 Human Development Index: 135 of 187 countries

 Gender Inequality Index: 127 of 152 countries

 GDP (PPP) per capita: $5,800

 Adult Literacy: 81% (male); 61% (female)

 Infant Mortality: 43.19 per 1,000 births

 Life Expectancy: 65 (male); 68 (female)

Currency: Indian rupee

Population: 1,251,695,584                  
Growth Rate:  1.22%                  

 Urban Population:32.37%

Number of Languages Spoken? : More than 33

Official Language: Hindi

Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism

Diet(list some foods/ dishes) : bread(roti), rice, spicy food

-what kind of government?
-Constitutional Democracy

-Other interesting information
--Its divided into 29 states and 7 union territories. The president is head of state and is elected by an electoral college of parliament and state legislatures.


GDP:  $7,277                                      Per Capita:$5,800

What do they produce?  What gives them Export Revenue (money)
-- crops include grains, oilseed, jute, tea, and coffee.

What do you they export:
mainly from tea, coffee, iron ore, fish products, and manufactured items.


Skilled / Unskilled Issues

7. Infrastructure

Internet Users (per 100 people):18

Cellular Phone Subscriptions:74.48

Paved Roads: NA

Other interesting info: Televisions and radios are common throughout the country. Roads in urban areas are generally well developed, but those in rural regions may be unpaved and impassable in heavy rains


Monday, March 14, 2016


What is the purpose of a Political Party primaries?
One who win according to the people vote will win and became president of the united stated. 

 Who is the most interesting candidate so far?
 -- Donald Trump

Who would you vote for ?

which candidate do you definitely not want to see win. Post this in your economics blog.
 --Donald Trump

Monday, March 7, 2016

Commodities Pricing

list one item from each category that has gone up in price and one item that has gone down in price.

Natural Resources
One that has increased
One that has decreased

Presidential Economic Priorities

If you were President - what do you think, we should spend on the following.  What percentage of your country’s resources would you spend on the following?
___40%____ National Defense
__10%___ Roads, Mass Transit, Airplanes
__10%___ Health Care
__10%____ Education
__10%____ Social Security (for retired people)
__8%_ Welfare (people unable to work, or unemployed)
_10%__ Consumer Goods
_______ Other:2%_
 What were your priorities (most important)? Explain why? What received the least amount of resources? Why? 
---- I think national defense is more important than other because people safety is first than other.